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How to use with Skia Components

As the saying goes "no pain, no gain", setting up any of this library components with Skia requires a little more effort than wrapping a component into another, at this point you may have think of one of these two solutions already:

  • I'm gonna use x zoom component within my Skia canvas.
  • I'm gonna wrap my Skia canvas within x zoom component.

Sadly none of them works, the first one will crash your app and the second one may look like it's working but it will produce a pixelated result because your canvas is getting scaled directly by one of the zoom components.

Working around this issue

In order to get this working as expected we want to mirror the transformation state from the zoom component to the Skia component, this way the Skia canvas never gets scaled but the items within it do.

In order to mirror the "zoom state" from one component to another we need to follow some simple rules:

  • The zoom component must overlay the Skia canvas (either translation or absolute position), it's also required to have the same size and location at the screen as the Skia canvas.
  • The zoom component's child component must be a transparent view with the same size as the element to mirror the zoom state to in Skia canvas.
  • With the previous two rules satisfied, we need to listen to the transformation state via zoom's component onUpdate callback property by using useTransformationState hook.

Don't worry too much about the last one for now, with these three simple rules we're ready to go!

The Heart of the Matter

In order to achieve our goal we'd have to write some boilerplate code, including shared values, derived transformation values and an update function to put all those values together, this library takes all of that burden away from you in the form of useTransformationState hook.

Skia and ResumableZoom

ResumableZoom is the heart of this library, therefore it makes the most sense to showcase the Skia usage with it, however the techniques you will use are also applicable to the other components as well.

As an example we'll focus on replicating the example seen in ResumableZoom documentation, let's set up our basic structure with Skia first.

import React from 'react';
import { View, useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import { Canvas, Image, useImage } from '@shopify/react-native-skia';
import { fitContainer } from 'react-native-zoom-toolkit';

const uri =

const App = () => {
  const image = useImage(uri);
  const { width, height } = useWindowDimensions();

  if (image === null) {
    return null;

  const aspectRatio = image.width() / image.height();
  const imageSize = fitContainer(aspectRatio, { width, height });

  const x = 0;
  const y = (height - imageSize.height) / 2;
  const centerX = x + imageSize.width / 2;
  const centerY = y + imageSize.height / 2;

  return (
    <View style={{ width, height }}>
      <Canvas style={{ width, height }}>
            Center of transformation must match the center of
            the image, by default the tranformation center is
            located at the top left corner of the image, x and y
            properties to be precise.
          origin={vec(centerX, centerY)}

export default App;

With our basic structure in place, let's address the two missing steps to make this example work:

  • Overlay ResumableZoom on top of the Skia Canvas in such a way our transparent view and our Skia image are parallel to each other.
  • Use useTransformationState hook and assign onUpdate callback to ResumableZoom's onUpdate property and transform property to Skia Image's transform property.

Let's see how the end result looks like:

import React from 'react';
import { View, useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import { Canvas, Image, useImage } from '@shopify/react-native-skia';
import { fitContainer, ResumableZoom, useTransformationState } from 'react-native-zoom-toolkit';

const uri =

const App = () => {
  const image = useImage(uri);
  const { width, height } = useWindowDimensions();
  const { onUpdate, transform } = useTransformationState('resumable');

  if (image === null) {
    return null;

  const aspectRatio = image.width() / image.height();
  const imageSize = fitContainer(aspectRatio, { width, height });

  const x = 0;
  const y = (height - imageSize.height) / 2;
  const centerX = x + imageSize.width / 2;
  const centerY = y + imageSize.height / 2;

  return (
    <View style={{ width, height }}>
      <Canvas style={{ width, height }}>
          origin={vec(centerX, centerY)}

        style={{ width, height, position: 'absolute' }}
        {/* Nested child is the same size as the Skia image */}
        <View style={{ width: imageSize.width, height: imageSize.height }} />

export default App;

Let's see what we can take from this example

  • The overlying zoom component must have the same size and location as the canvas, the transparent view must have the same size as the component to pinch.
  • You can assign a color to the transparent view and lower the opacity if you are having trouble aligning the zoom component with your Skia component.
  • Skia Images get pixelated at a faster rate than RN image component does, therefore setting ResumableZoom's maxscale to the image resolution is a recommended practice.

And that's pretty much it, thanks for reading!

Released under the MIT License.